Take the First Step
Can I get a free consultation?
Free consultations are for individuals who are interested in hiring an attorney to handle their immigration case, and want to learn more about an attorney, the strategy that attorney might take with their case, and what the fees are. Some attorneys charge for this time – we don’t.
During a free consultation with an immigration attorney, you can expect the following:
Free consultations are sometimes confused with paid consultations. Free consultations are for when you are interviewing immigration attorneys to hire for your case, and you want us to tell you how we would handle your case and what the fees would be. Paid consultations are for the following situations:
Most attorneys don’t share their expertise for free. Also, giving you the best legal advice means understanding everything that might affect your situation, so it is in your interest to pay for the service.
When you hire a lawyer for a consultation, we are obligated to act in your best interest.
What is a paid consultation?
What if I don't know whether or not I need a lawyer?
In this case you will likely fall into the paid consultation category, since we will have to take the time to evaluate your situation at length to advise you on your legal options. But there is good news…
At Occam Immigration, if you pay a consultation fee and later decide to hire our firm to handle your case, we will credit your consultation fee against your legal fees!
Location and Quick Contact Details
Parking areas
METERED Parking on East Bay St. and Cone St.
PARKING Garage at Cumberland & Concord St.
If you have any questions, please contact us at hello@occamimmigration.com.